You need money quickly, and want to avoid payday lenders or other forms of high-interest borrowing. You may have already considered going to a pawnbroker, but be concerned about what you can put into pawn, and how much you will get. Interest rate levels and buying back your items are also things which could be preventing you from resolving your money problems. If you want a reliable pawnbroker that you can trust, you should consider Diamond Jewelry & Loan in Los Angeles. Our pawn shop can provide you with the money you need without burning our customers.
Put Your Goods into Pawn
We are an experienced pawn broker, with over 50 years of operation in this industry. Our knowledge is the key to why we have succeeded for so long. We will accept a variety of different items, from Gold, jewelry, other valuables and even artworks. Once we see the goods, we will conduct tests to make sure that we are offering you the correct value, and will give you a quote for the items you have offered.
Get Cash and Low Interest Rates
We are able to offer you cash on all kinds of gold, including scrap gold. We pay high prices for this precious metal, as well as for diamonds and other high-price jewelry. When you pawn your goods with us, we will give you high cash, and will also offer you low interest rates with flexible terms. You have to be over 18 in order to pawn, and must have valid ID or passport. If you are able to pay back the pawn on your goods, then we will be able to give you a low-interest collateral loan. If you wish to sell, we can also pay you good value for items.
Put Your Trust in Us
Whenever you have something to pawn, you can contact us and get the best deals around. If you want to come to us to find a piece of jewelry as a gift, we can supply you with good value used items, including antiques, designer jewelry and fine art. Whatever you want from our pawn shop, come in to Diamond Jewelry & Loan in Los Angeles. We can help you with any services you might need, and will also be able to offer you a free appraisal on the value of your goods. To find out more, contact us online, or call us now on 323-469-1319