
pawn shop diamond rings

Remember! The 4 Cs Still Apply to Pawn Shop Diamond Rings

If you are in the market for some diamond jewelry, then it is fair to assume that most of your browsing has been done online and in-store at some of the more well-known and ‘famous’ institutions. Of course, places like Tiffany & Co. are always going to provide a one-of-a-kind experience, but don’t make the…

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Los Angeles pawn shop

The Amazing Things You Might Stumble Across in a Los Angeles Pawn Shop

If you consider yourself something of a bargain and treasure hunter, but have never been to a Los Angeles pawn shop, then what have you been doing for all this time? Sure, yard sales and online auction sites are handy for picking up items every now and then, but the stuff that can be found…

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pawn shop in Los Angeles

The Tax Implications of Selling Gold to a Pawn Shop in Los Angeles

Our world is full of financial red tape and regulations so there is usually some kind of tax implication for any kind of transaction that you might be hoping to make whether it is personal or commercial!  A transaction that has increased in recent years is the selling of unwanted gold jewelry for a cash…

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cash jewelry and loan

A Cash Jewelry & Loan Can Help You Stop Living from Paycheck to Paycheck

If you are someone who tends to live from paycheck to paycheck with a few days of financial worry every month, then the first thing to know is that you are absolutely not alone. Millions of people all over the world have to work on extremely tight budgets with their salaries, and many of them…

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gold and loan pawn shop

Are Transactions Private at a Gold and Loan Pawn Shop?

If you have never done business at a pawn shop before, then it is completely understandable that you wouldn’t necessarily understand all of the rules and regulations of the establishments in question. If all you have seen of pawn shops is from cliche crime movies, then you might assume that they are places that don’t…

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