You may find it difficult to try getting a collateral or cash loan from a bank or financial institution when they find out you don’t have a job as they may feel doubtful that you could pay back the loan. You also have to take into consideration that a bank loan ultimately leaves you with…
Tag: Pawn Shop Loan
Pawn Shop in Santa Monica Blvd for Gold Watches
Our pawn shop on Santa Monica Blvd allows gold watches to be used as collateral when you apply for a loan. But how much loan you can get when you pawn your gold watch? It depends on the value of your gold watch. We can offer up to $15,000. Then again, it depends on the…
Selling Diamond Wedding Ring to LA Loan Company After Divorce
You can selling diamond wedding ring to our LA loan company and get a higher value than when you sell it to other pawn shops in Los Angeles. But why should you sell your wedding ring after getting a divorce? 1. Adjust Finances Divorce is stressful and expensive. You were used to living like a…
4 Situations in Which a Pawn Shop Loan Can Be Useful
Issues with money can come up quickly and unexpectedly. These unforeseen expenses can become huge issues. Loans aren’t always easy to get – but this is where a pawn shop can help you. Here’s an overview of four unfortunately common situations in which a fully insured and bonded pawn can help. Issues with Your Pet…