There can be all kinds of reasons that can come up in your life where you may find you are short on cash and need some quickly. Perhaps you needed some unexpected repairs to your car and simply did not have the money to pay for it. Maybe you had a medical emergency in the family and needed to come up with the funds to cover payment of the bills. It could be you have a last-minute opportunity to take a trip of a lifetime, but you need to get the cash together in a hurry to pay for it. Whatever the reasons may be, getting a loan fast is not often an easy thing to do. However, when you turn to us at the Diamond Jewelry and Loan, our Los Angeles pawn shop can be just the place to help you out.
Sell the Valuables
A pawn shop can be the ideal place for you to sell the valuables that you have that you no longer need or are willing to sell for fast cash. Our shop will be glad to purchase your diamond and gold jewelry, antiques, power tools, electronics, instruments, fine china or silverware or other items that you have that may be of value. We can provide you with an honest and fair appraisal on the spot when you want to sell your items and give you the cash right away so you can walk out of our shop with the money you need right in your pocket.
Get a Quick Loan
If you find yourself short on cash and just need a quick loan, our Los Angeles pawn shop is the answer for you. We have over twenty years of experience in the business, and our pawn broker is a knowledgeable expert that can provide you with a fair appraisal of your valuables. We will provide you with the cash you need for your collateral loan and give you the low-interest rates and the best terms possible, so you have no trouble paying back the loan.
Talk to Us about Our Services
If you would like to learn more about our Los Angeles pawn shop, take the time to visit our website or give us a call at 323-469-1319 to speak to one of our staff, ask questions and find out about how our shop can assist you. You can then come in to sell or pawn your items and get the money you need on the spot.